Layout Chooser
This component lets you pick a specific grid layout for your section, column component or inside a accordion and tab. You could modify which layout group or specific layout should be available to your users.
You could also add more layouts by modifying the layout chooser html file. It's a very simple html which reflexs the layout of the output.
You'll find the LayoutChooser in webresources\jsFields. You will find all the layout blocks at the top and the necessary CSS classes in the style block. Feel free to modify it to your needs.
If you want to add or remove some of the groups or single grid layouts you can add following to the parameters in the dialog definition.
required: true
label: Layout
$type: javascriptField
fieldScript: /magnolia-central-module/webresources/jsFields/layoutSelector.html
height: 430
columns: true
headings: true
bentos: true
repeater: true
If you only want to deactivate one layout from a group, you can also deactivate just this one.
Here is a list of all available options:
columns: true #Entire Group
columns1: false
columns2: true
columns3: true
columns4: true
columns5: true
columns6: true
columns7: true
headings: true #Entire Group
withHeading1: true
withHeading2: true
withHeading3: true
bentos: true #Entire Group
bento1: true
bento2: true
bento3: true
bento4: true
repeater: true #Entire Group
repeater1: true
repeater2: true
repeater3: true
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